© The Internal Engine Parts Group, Inc.
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Engine Parts Centers consists of four engine parts warehouses located across the Southeastern United States with over 40 professional associates. Our corporate and administrative office is located in Meridian, MS. We stock a broad range of engine parts for passenger cars, small trucks, marine, diesel, industrial, agricultural and high-performance applications. Whether you need nothing more than a freeze plug kit or you're in need of a full deluxe engine rebuild kit - we've got you covered!
A comprehensive engine kit program is available for thousands of engines with every kit provided to fit your exact needs!
The company's operating platform is designed to serve all aftermarket customers effectively with a maximum service level. We supply the engine parts needs of custom engine rebuilders, custom engine repair centers, high performance operations, traditional auto parts operations and national wholesale and retail chains. We offer the latest in 24/7 real time customer connectivity technology via the internet which allows our customers to view, select and purchase their engine parts needs from all of our locations at their convenience.
We recognize our customers make a choice every day when they use our products and service and we are constantly redoubling our efforts to be sure we earn their business!
If you need assistance with online ordering or locating a specific part, please contact one of our offices using the online form by clicking here, or contact us by phone below:

EPW Birmingham, AL - 800-221-3368
EPW Baton Rouge, LA - 800-445-9304
EPW Memphis, TN - 800-238-2508
EPW Nashville, TN - 800-345-1044